Thursday, May 6, 2010

Atlas Shrugs lands firmly behind Christine O'Donnell

Christine O'Donnell picked up yet ANOTHER endorsement yesterday. In a major announcement from Pamela Gellar, the founder, editor and publisher of, a national sensation in the blogosphere, Christine O'Donnell went from black sheep to dark horse.

The local news media in combination with the GOP establishment leadership and the Mike Castle campaign had been running a series of hit pieces in order to discredit Ms. O'Donnell. Through it all she has remained calm, cool and collected. She has answered the charges levied against her by Castle campaign operatives and has refuted successfully, the bogus attacks levied by the Delaware GOP establishment.

Claims brought by former campaign volunteers (currently associated with the Castle campaign) about not having been properly compensated have been proven to be false. Other rumors levied by the Delaware GOP and reported in the News Journal (such as reported tax lein that never existed) have also been proven to be incorrect. Yet the local media has not corrected their stories nor have they apologized to the public and to Ms. O'Donnell for the obviously false report.

Yesterday's bombshell endorsement from Atlas Shrugs comes as the O'Donnell campaign prepares for the Delaware GOP Convention in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware on May 15th. While the campaign goes in knowing that Congressman Mike Castle enjoys a lead in the delegate race for the party nomination (odd though it might be that the party nomination should take place in may when the primary is in September), they are confident that they will be able to continue to make in roads in the party and pick up support from Delaware voters.

Pamela Gellar's glowing endorsement of Christine O'Donnell shows the nation what many Delawareans already know, that Christine O'Donnell is the best choice to represent Delaware in the U.S. Senate. Pamela writes this when she describes O'Donnell:
"There are people running for office across the country that best embody the ideals and aspirations of this great nation. They have the clarity, the spine, the morality, the logic, the intelligence and the guts to fight the scourge and decadence of the left and return our homeland back to its constitutional principles.
Christine On'Donnell is such a person. Her candidacy instills hopes in Americans in despair."

Congratulations to Christine O'Donnell for gaining the endorsement of a well respected and widely read alternative news source. Atlas Shrugs is a top level endorsement and one worthy of more than one look. You can view the entire endorsement here.

1 comment:

  1. I should also point out that Steve Maloney has endoresed O'Donnell as well
